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Joseph Thekkedath Puthenkudy (Rocky) in conversion with Dr. Joseph J. Palackal.

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AP 104 - Joseph Thekkedath Puthenkudy (Rocky) in conversion with Dr. Joseph J. Palackal.
Call Number

AP 104

Part Number Part I - Syro Malabar Church
Title Joseph Thekkedath Puthenkudy (Rocky) in conversion with Dr. Joseph J. Palackal.
Duration 29:22
Place of Recording Shanthi Pavana Apts. Kadavanthara, Ernakulam, Kerala.
Date of Recording 5 August 2018.
Youtube URL
Video Segment (s)



Joseph Thekkedath Puthenkudy (Rocky) in conversion with Dr. Joseph J. Palackal

Note: It was, indeed, a pleasure to talk to Joseph Puthenkudy, a young Syro Malabar Catholic who is passionate about the Syriac heritage of the St. Thomas Christians. Although not a singer, Joseph was initially attracted to the Syriac melodies of the Jacobite and Malankara churches near his mother’s native place. As a teenager, he used to think that only the Jacobite and Malankarites were Syriac Christians. Joseph's realization that he, too, was a Syriac Christian, changed the course of his life. Meanwhile, Joseph was lucky to get a collection of Syriac books that the sacristan of his local parish threw away in the garbage box. Someone’s garbage became his treasure. Possession of that treasure prompted him to learn to read and write the Syriac language and immerse himself in the study of the Syriac heritage of the Syro Malabar Church. Joseph became a resource person for the Aramaic Project. He volunteered to offer his service as a research assistant for the Project. The Christian Musicological Society of India is grateful to Joseph for granting permission to post this interview on our channel.

Joseph J. Palackal,CMI
New York
8 September 2018

User Comments

  • Rev. Father

    Am writing this email to express my opinion about the interview of rocky brother that I watched on youtube. I really liked the video very much, and it was so informative for me as a Catholic, I found it's so interesting the fact he shared and his interest in learning Syrian Catholic, I know him personally for years,we met in a retreat centre called Makkyad in Wayanad, now am working as an workforce analyst in New Brunswick, Canada, he is my best friend or I would say, my brother, we contact once in a week and he is there for me for giving advises and prayers . AM really thankful to you for making such an impressive interview with Rocky brother and it is so informative. Am glad that I found the video on youtube and got an opportunity to contact you as well, looking forward to your reply. With all respect and proud as Catholic

    Akhil George - Sep 19, 2018