AP 220 to 211
आवून द'वशमय्या Our Father in Syriac, with Hindi transliteration and translation.
Call Number | AP 216 |
Part Number | Part I - Syro Malabar Church |
Title | आवून द'वशमय्या Our Father in Syriac, with Hindi transliteration and translation. |
Duration | 2:36 |
Place of Recording | Thesbohtha - Audio CD |
Date of Recording | |
Youtube URL | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TELj8g6rwv0 |
Video Segment (s) |
आवून द'वशमय्या Our Father in Syriac, with Hindi transliteration and translation
The Lord's Prayer in Syriac with transliteration and translation of the text in Devanagari script See more on our Encyclopedia of Syriac Chants http://www.thecmsindia.org/awun-d-was...
With this video, we extent our domain to the Hindi-speaking areas in India. We hope all Christians will take pride in reciting the Lord's Prayer in the very same words that Jesus taught His disciples. This is one way to travel two thousand years back in time and imagine sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to this prayer. The Aramaic language in which Jesus taught this prayer is not very different from the East Syriac version we hear in this video. Words and syntax are the same. The phonemes and the phonetics of the Syriac words in this chant are not alien to the Hindi language speakers. Our team has prepared the text, translation, transliteration in Devanagari, and English script translation. This is our first attempt. Suggestions from the viewers are welcome. It will be wonderful if the young generation of Syro Malabar Catholics can take up the challenge to learn the prayer and make it a part of their personal prayer. They do not require permission from the liturgical committee or the hierarchy to recite the Lord's Prayer's Syriac version. The young people can start a meaningful conversation that can eventually change the Syro Malabar liturgy's nature. We are using the track from a recording by Fr. Saji Mattathil and Fr. Joseph Pathil. We are grateful to both priests and the team that worked behind the audio CD production, THESBOHTHA.
Joseph J. Palackal, CMI
New York
9 October 2020
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