AP 70 to 61
Fr. George Plathottam. Solemn sung Qurbana in Syriac.
Call Number | AP 70 |
Part Number | Part I - Syro Malabar Church |
Title | Fr. George Plathottam. Solemn sung Qurbana in Syriac. |
Duration | 1:29:17 |
Place of Recording | Old Cathedral Church, Pala. |
Date of Recording | 7 August 2006. |
Youtube URL | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arVyRVTiZcA&t=242s |
Video Segment (s) | AP 70A to 70Z and 70AA to 70AS |
Fr. George Plathottam. Solemn sung Qurbana in Syriac. Recorded at Old Cathedral Church, Pala. 7 August 2006.
Fortunately, this recording took place in 2006, when Fr. George Plathottam (1933-2016) was healthy enough to go through the strain of a day-long recording session. His unique voice continued to be in good shape until a few months before his death in 2016. He chose a historical location for the recording, the Old Cathedral Church at Pala in the Kottayam district of Kerala.
Fr. Plathottam was gifted with a melodious voice and a passion for the Syriac music heritage. He trained several young seminarians and priests to celebrate the solemn sung Qurbana in Syriac. The three servers in this video are now priests who continue the musical legacy of Fr. Plathottam. Bishop Joseph Kallarangatt (diocese of Pala), who celebrates Syriac Qurbana frequently, acknowledged that his Excellency was lucky to have received training from Fr. Plathottam (see Aramaic Project 15)
I am immensely grateful to his Excellency Mar Jacob Angadiath, Bishop of St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic diocese of Chicago, for introducing Fr. Plathottam to me, in May 2006. I listened to one of his Syriac chants and realized the uniqueness of his voice, which evokes devotion in the minds of the listeners even without understanding the meaning of the song text. Bishop Angadiath agreed to my suggestion to document Fr. Plathottam’s distinct style of celebrating the Syriac sung Qurbana. The bishop provided financial assistance to organize the recording. This video may serve as a source material for researchers as well as prospective celebrants. In 20014, Fr, Plathottam sang for me the famous Syriac chant ēdtā pūšlēk, the farewell song from the funeral services for priests of the Syro Malabar Church. A transcription (in staff notation) of his rendering is included in my chapter “The Survival Story of the Syriac Chants among the St. Thomas Christians in South India,” in The Oxford Handbook of Music and World Christianities (Oxford University Press, 2016; see http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/1.... We pray that this saintly priest continues to intercede for everyone who supports the Aramaic Project.
Joseph J. Palackal
New York
11 May 2017
- AP 70A - Overtrure. Solemn Syriac Qurbana. Fr. George Plathottam See full Qurbana here
- AP 70B - Puqdānkōn. Solemn Qurbana by Fr. George Plathottam
- AP 70C - Thešbōhthā. Solemn Qurbana. Fr. George Plathottam
- AP 70D - The Lord's Prayer with Thrice Holy
- AP 70E - Hayyel Māran. Slotha-Prayer after the Our Father
- AP 70F - Psalm. Syriac Qurbana. Fr. George Plathottam
- AP 70G - Ualappai. Slotha -prayer after psalm. Fr. Plathottam
- AP 70H - Lākāu Mārā. Resurrection hymn from Syro Malabar Qurbana in Syriac
- AP 70I - Athu mar. Slotha/ prayer after the Resurrection hymn
- AP 70J - Qandiša Alaha. Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church See full Qurbana here
- AP 70K - Slotha - Prayer before the readings, "Anahar lan" From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70L - Deacon’s Request for Blessing, before reading the epistle here From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70M - Reading of The Epistle From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.;
- AP 70N - Alleluia from Solemn Qurbana in Syriac from the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.;
- AP 70O - Deacon’s Invitation to listen to the Gospel from the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70P - Peace greeting from Syriac Qurbana. Fr. George Plathottam from the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70Q - Kārōsūsā Prayers of the Faithful from the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70R - Slotha - prayer "Lāk Māryā" From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70S - Deacon’a Invitation to bow heads to receive the blessing From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70T - Slotha - prayer "W'hawlan Mār" From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70U - Anthem of the Mysteries "Pagare Damšīhā" From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70V - Commemoration hymn, "Sūwhālawā" from Syriac Qurbana from the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70W - The Creed, "Mhaimnīnan." From the solemn qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church See full Qurbana here
- AP 70X - Slotha - prayer, "W'naseq Lāk" From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70Y - Exchange of Peace is Syriac Qurbana from the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70Z - "Thaibūsē" Greeting and Dialogue before Holy, holy, holy From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church. Celebrant: Fr. George Plathottam.
- AP 70AA - Introduction to Holy, holy, holy From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church.
- AP 70AB - Holy, holy, holy From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church.
- AP 70AC - Institiution Narrative in Syriac from the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church.
- AP 70AD - Slotha - prayer "Ual Appai Kolhon" From the Solemn Qurbana of the Syro Malabar Church.
- AP 70AE - Bārek mār Fr George Plathottam
- AP 70AF - Ennānā Lahmā I Am The Living Bread Fr George Plathottam
- AP 70AG - Thaibuse
- AP 70AH - Rahme Šūqānaā Rite Of Reconcilitation
- AP 70AI - "Wšwā Lan" Slōthā before The Lord’s Prayer. Fr. Plathottam
- AP 70AJ - "Āwūn D’wašmayyā" The Lord’s Prayer
- AP 70AK - Ēn Māryā Alāhā" Slōthā After The Our Father
- AP 70AL - The Holy Is For The Holy Ones.
- AP 70AM - Māwhawsā" Prayer after Communion
- AP 70AN - Āhay Qambel" Invitation To Receive Communion
- AP 70AO - Māran Īšō" hymn after Communion
- AP 70AP - Šūwhā Lēh" Chant of Praise by the Deacon
- AP 70AQ - Yāyē Mār" Concluding Prayers.
- AP 70AR - Awūn D’wašmayyā" Our Father
- AP 70AS - Ladhassī" from Final Blessing.
User Comments
- It's a tremendous and loving effort of all who participated. Respect. Doesn't singing in itself praise God doubly. Achen's efforts will inspire others. Of course music / musical effects can always have the benefit of greater audio quality / acoustics in general but that does not in any way diminish the great effort all have taken here. Thank you. - M. J. -2020
We must have Syrian Mass at least once in a month. Else, how are our youth and children going to know their rich heritage,? Already so many people are ignorant. It is truly sad. - Mary Alex - March 2, 2019
fr george plathottam of blessed memory....he is the inspiration behind the revival of syriac language in syro malabar church......thank u father....poosh bashlamma kahna dakya.....Don Bosco - March 2, 2018
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