AP 90 to 81
"Etha Pus lek" from funeral services for priests in the Syro Malabar Church.
Call Number | AP 81 |
Part Number | Part I - Syro Malabar Church |
Title | Etha Pus lek from funeral services for priests in the Syro Malabar Church. |
Duration | 9:17 |
Place of Recording | Old Cathedral Church , Pala |
Date of Recording | 3-Sept-2011 |
Youtube URL | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOgIOLZq5yc |
Video Segment (s) | AP 81a |
"Etha Pus lek" from funeral services for priests in the Syro Malabar Church
'Etha pus lek." Fr. George Plathottam (1933-2016).
Note: This is a precious chant from the (East) Syriac repertoire of the Chaldeo-Malabar Church in Kerala. The chant is unique from the perspective of the text and the melody. The change of narrative voices in the text and the melismatic ending of phrases are note worthy. A detailed study of this chant can be found in my chapter in Music and World Christianities (Oxford University Press, 2016) http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/1... The chapter contains transliteration and translation of the Syriac and Malayalam versions of the text. The Syriac text is heard only rarely at present. We are fortunate to have this video from a celebrated singer of Syriac chants, Fr. George Plathottam (1933-2016).
Joseph J. PalackalNew York
7 Feb 2018
Transliteration and translation of text by Fev. Dr. Thomas Kalayil, CMI
1. Ēdtâ pūš(y) lēk(y) bašlāmâ:
ʾāzēlnâ lî:
W ̔āmōrayk(y) bzaddīqūţâ:
ṣallāw ͑ lay.
O church,
remain in peace,
I am going;
And thy dwellers in righteousness,
pray for me.
2. ʾAḥay wḥabray ḥabbībay:
͑ubdūhy ldukrān(y):
Dperšēt menkōn walālam:
ṣallāw ͑ lay.
My dear brothers and friends,
celebrate my remembrance;
Because I have departed from you and for ever,
pray for me.
3. ʾĀzēlnâ wlâ dāhēlnâ:
dmār(y) qārê lî:
Waklīl šubḥā sā ͗ēm ͑al rēš(y):
wamḥaddê lî.
I am going and am not afraid,
my Lord is calling me;
He is placing the crown of glory on me and is gladdening me.
4. Malaʾkâ detâ wdabrāk:
la ͑dēn nāwblāk:
Wqurbānâ lmārāk nqarbāk:
zel bašlāmâ.
May the angel who came and took thee to Eden,
lead thee;
We shall offer thee as an oblation to thy Lord,
go in peace.
5. Pūš(w) bašlāmâ kahnê zhayyâ:
dperšēt menkōn: Wmâ dqāymītōn bgāw bêt qudšâ:
ṣallāw ͑ lay.
Remain in peace,
O reverend priests,
though I have departed from you;
And when you stand in the sanctuary,
pray for me.
6. Pūš(w) bašlāmâ ʾaḥay wḥabray:
wabnay ͑enyān(y): Dsarheb māwtâ paršan(y) menkōn:
ṣallāw ͑ lay. Remain in peace,
O my brothers,
my friends,
and my companions;
Because death has hastened and separated me from you,
pray for me.
7. Pūš(w) bašlāmâ ͑ammâ gabyâ:
kenšâ prīqâ:
Māran nnaṭar laknūšātkōn:
ṣallāw ͑ lay. Remain in peace,
O chosen people,
redeemed congregation;
May our Lord keep your assemblies,
pray for me.
8. (If the departed priest was a Malpān)
ʾO talmīday wabnayenyān(y):
lâ teṭ ōnān(y):
Wmâ damlītōn baktābê:
O my disciples and my companions,
do not bear me;
remember me when you toil with books.
Fr. Sankoorikkal sings "Witawangunnen". Aramaic Project-177 • Aramaic Project-1...
Fr. Abel, CMI sings "Witawangunnen." Aramaic Project -11.9. • Aramaic Project-1...
Fr. George Plathottam sings "Witwangunnen." Aramaic Project-140N. • Aramaic Project-1...
Fr. George Plathottam sings "Etha Pus Lek." Aramaic Project-81. • Aramaic Project-8...
Fr. Cyril Thayil sings "Etha Pus Lek Baslma." Aramaic Project-85 • Aramaic Project-8...
A comparative study of the text and melody of Etha Pus Lek and Witawangunnen." Joseph J. Palackal. "The Survival Story of Syriac Chants among the St. Thomas Christians in South India." In Music and World Christianities. Oxford University Press (2016). https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/...
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- AP 81a - "Witawangunnen." Funeral services for priests in the Syro Malabar Church
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- ************
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