Call Number : RR-002/JT
Church Hymns - Syriac/Malayalam
ദേവാലയ ഗീതങ്ങൾ (സുറിയാനി/മലയാളം)
ആദ്യ പതിപ്പ് (1902)
Edited By :
Fr. Basselios of St. Theresa, T. O. C. D.
The book contains text of Syriac hymns for various occasions, for the use of the church choir. A large number of hymns are translations of Latin chants that were composed anew in Kerala. Names of translators and composers of the melodies are unknown. The text is printed in Malayalam script, indicating that Syriac literacy was on the wane among the lay people in the Syro-Malabar Church, by the end of the 19th century.
- Ist Edition - 1902
Printed at - St. Mary's Press, Elthuruth (1902). 172 pages (10 cms x 15 cms)