AP 150 to 141
Dr. Joseph Palackal introduces two Syriac chants during Qurbana in Houston.
Call Number | AP 143 |
Part Number | Part I - Syro Malabar Church |
Title | Dr. Joseph Palackal introduces two Syriac chants during Qurbana in Houston. |
Duration | 6:16 |
Place of Recording | Syro Malabar National Convertion at Hilton Convention center, Houstan , Texas, USA |
Date of Recording | 1 August, 2019 |
Youtube URL | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNACXgKm19s |
Video Segment (s) |
Sagdinan Mar and Bar Maryam, during bilingual Qurbana at the American Syro Malabar Convention in Houston, Texas. Saturday, August 3, 2019. 8 am.
Sagdinan Mar, the famous Christological hymn in Syriac, became a topic of conversation in the USA for the first time at St. Jude Syro Malabar Catholic Church in Northern Virginia, on 26 May 2018 (See Aramaic Project-101 https://youtu.be/o3CFm1eH3Jc). On that day, the First Communion children started the celebration by singing Sagdinan Mar. Felix Simon, cofounder of the Aramaic Project, had prepared the children to sing the song. Considering the menaing of the song text, it is the most appropriate song for the Frist Communion children,. The song reiterates the faith in the divinity and humanity of Jesus, the core content of our Christian faith.
When the choir for the Syro Malabar Convention (2019) in Houston showed interest in including Syriac chants in the liturgy, I enthusiastically suggested Sagdinan Mar and Bar Maryam. I convinced Kavitha Joseph, the choir leader, of the significance of the song, and she agreed to introduce it to the choir. By the time I arrived in Houston, the choir had already learned the melody. After the initial practice, however, I suggested we change the performance practice of the chant by singing it three times in three ascending pitch registers. Sebastian Ottplackal immediately prepared the score and made the transition easy. This is, probably, the first time Sagdinan Mar is sung as an entrance song. Let us hope more and more church choirs will warm up to this chant and that it will become part of the liturgical and theological experience of the new generation of Syro Malabar Catholics across the world.
Joseph J. Palackal, CMI
New York
20 August 2019
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