AP 100 to 91
Solemn Sung Qurbana in Syriac at Irinjalakkuda.
Call Number | AP 96 |
Part Number | Part I - Syro Malabar Church |
Title | Solemn Sung Qurbana in Syriac at Irinjalakkuda. |
Duration | 1:03:55 |
Place of Recording | St. Thomas Cathedral Church, Irinjalakkuda, Kerala |
Date of Recording | 10-March-2018 |
Youtube URL | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBdwuyJmtZQ |
Video Segment (s) |
Solemn Sung Qurbana in Syriac at Irinjalakkuda
The solemn celebration of Qurbana in Syriac on this video is a loving tribute of a son, Babu Lonappan, to his father, Mangalathuparampil Pyloth Lonappan, who deeply cherished the Syriac heritage of the Syro Malabar Church. Babu Lonappan took a remarkable decision to observe the customary 40th – day of demise by celebrating a solemn Qurbana in Syriac at his native parish, the St. Thomas Cathedral Church at Irinjalakkuda. The Cathedral Vicar, Fr. Antu Alappadan, agreed to the idea. This was a special celebration with only family and friends in attendance. The celebrant, Fr. Augustine Kandathikkudy, is a young priest who grew up in the post-Syriac era of the Syro Malabar Church. Yet, he developed a personal interest in the Syriac Qurbana and learned the language and the melodies. Fr. Augustine is blessed with a resonant voice. He is one of a handful of young priests who gets special invitations from Syro Malabar churches in different parts of Kerala to celebrate solemn Qurbana in Syriac. In this video, we hear the intonation of the Syriac language from a representative of the younger generation of Syro Malabar priests. We are grateful to Babu Lonappan, who is far removed from the Syriac era of the Syro Malabar Church, for making an effort to document this rare and historical event, and for granting permission to post this video on our channel.
Joseph J. PalackalNew York
27 June 2018
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