Commemoration Hymn

CMSI Ref Number MA-ENG-04-DCS-078

Commemoration Hymn

Language English
Composer of melody Joseph J. Palackal and George Thaila
Music Arrangements David Claman and Dennis K. Poulose
Sung by: Joseph J. Palackal, and Chorus

Source of Text- solemn-high-mass

Song of Text

Glory be to the Father, to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit.
Let us remember the Virgin Mary, Mother of God
At this holy altar.

As it was in the beginning,
Now and ever shall be. Amen.
Apostles and friends of the only begotten Son of God,
Pray for peace in the world.

Let the people of God proclaim: Amen, Amen.
Let us celebrate the memory of our father St. Thomas,
All the just who have triumphed,
And the martyrs who have been crowned in glory.

The mighty Lord is with us;
Our King is with us; our God is with us;
The Lord of Jacob is our help.

All the departed, both the great and small,
Have fallen asleep in You
In the hope that through Your glorious resurrection,
You will raise them again in glory.

Open your hearts before Him.
By prayer, fasting, and penance,
Let us find favor with the Father,
The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Date of composition of text/melody 2007
Category Liturgical
Performance space Church
Performance context  

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