Hā qes slīwā (Behold the wood of the Cross)

Call Number EC-0030
Title Hā qes slīwa
Category Chants for Special Occasions
Liturgical Context Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday
Audio Snippet


This is the translation of the Latin Chant, Ecca lignum crucis ( Behold the Wood of Cross), for the veneration of the Cross on Good Friday. As in Latin tradition, the chant is sung three times, each time in a higher pitch register, However the roles are differently distributed. In the Latin rite the celebrant sings the first two of the three phrases, and the congregationsings the third ('come lets worship'). In the Syriac rite tht celebrant, the congregation, and the deacon sing each phrase consecutively. The Syriac chant has the same melody for all three phrases, unlike its latin counterpart.

Syriac Text
Text Courtsey - Joseph Thekkadath Puthenkudy
Syriac Text
Text Courtsey - Joseph Thekkadath Puthenkudy

Available recordings

Aramaic Project Recordings:

S.No Artist(s) Youtube Link Aramaic Project Number Notes
1 Fr.Augustus Thekkanath CMI , Lonappan Arackal Video

AP 4R  
2 Fr. Augustus Thekkanath, CMI Video AP 51 N  


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