മാലാകാ വചനിച്ച തിരുനാളിന്റെ
Had min īrē (One from the angels)

Call Number EC-0028
Title Had min īrē (One from the angels)
Category Chants for Special Occasions
Liturgical Context Qurbānā and Hours of Syriac churches.


This chant speaks about the mission of Angel Gabriel, chosen from among many, to announce the divine message of the incarnation to Mary. It is sung during the feast of Annunciation on March 25.

Transliteration (Malayalam)

Translation (Malayalam)

Source - Dewaalayageethangal, pp 39. Typset- Rosy Kurian & Sherin Joby

ഹദ്മി ൻ ഈറേ ത്ത് യിൻവാ ആസ്സാദ് യവുലെ ക്കസിയാ.
ഉമസ്മ്മഹ് വാബാ ല്ല് ഏൻറൂഹാനേ ഉപഗറാനായേ.
ഹദ്റൂഹാനാ ഹവാ ഇസ്ഗന്താ ബ്സുവാർ ബത്ത്നെ.
വൗ യോം യൽദെ ന്ന്‌ ഹെസ്സ് സ ങ്കിയെ വസ്മർ ശൂഹാ


Transliteration (Malayalam)

Translation (Malayalam)

Source - Dewaalayageethangal, pp 39. Typset- Rosy Kurian & Sherin Joby

ഹദ്മി ൻ ഈറേ ത്ത് യിൻവാ ആസ്സാദ് യവുലെ ക്കസിയാ.
ഉമസ്മ്മഹ് വാബാ ല്ല് ഏൻറൂഹാനേ ഉപഗറാനായേ.
ഹദ്റൂഹാനാ ഹവാ ഇസ്ഗന്താ ബ്സുവാർ ബത്ത്നെ.
വൗ യോം യൽദെ ന്ന്‌ ഹെസ്സ് സ ങ്കിയെ വസ്മർ ശൂഹാ

Transliteration & Translation (English)
Transliteration by Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C. M. I.

Transliteration Translation
Had min īrē th’īn wā āţā d'yaw lē kasyā.
W'maţmah wā bā l’en ruhānē w'pagrānāyē.
Had ruhānā wā izgandā b’subār bathnē.
Wawyōm yaldē n'heţ sangīyē wazmar śuwhā.
One of the angels was carrying the sign, which the Hidden One gave him;
By it he was stupefying the angels and men.
One angel became the messenger at the annunciation of his conception,
And on the day of his birth many descended and sang praises.

Transliteration and Translation ( English)

Had min īrē th’īn wā āţā d'yaw lē kasyā.
W'maţmah wā bā l’en ruhānē w'pagrānāyē.
Had ruhānā wā izgandā b’subār bathnē.
Wawyōm yaldē n'heţ sangīyē wazmar śuwhā.
One of the angels was carrying the sign, which the Hidden One gave him;
By it he was stupefying the angels and men.
One angel became the messenger at the annunciation of his conception,
And on the day of his birth many descended and sang praises.

Available recordings

Aramaic Project Recordings:

S.No Artist Youtube Link Aramaic Project Number Notes
1 Pailikkunju Vathappillil Video AP 4Z  


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