
This ōnīţa is from the leliyā for the feast of virgins. The printed text prescribes the model melody known as ‘b’mambu hayye’ (fountain of life) for this chant. The exact nature of the melody is unknown. The singers often treat it not as a fixed melody, but as a way of generating a melody. It is made of a group of short phrases that the singers can apply to any text, especially to those that are not set to strict poetic meters.

Transliteration & Translation (English)
Transliteration by Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C. M. I.

Transliteration Translation

Aylēn d'qāymin b'baytē d'māryā.

Tāw n'yaqar kollan bahpīthūţā l’yōm dukrānā
daw'ţultā kalţē dam’śīhā.
D'wāgōna d'zandiqūţā śeprāţ 1'māryā
wezdahyaţ b'amlē damyatrūţā.
Aykan negdōl neshānē dazhīţā dahwaţ lamśīhā.
Aykan nēmar qūlāse damyatartā malyaţ thūwē.
Aykan neţne dubārē damqasmastā b'haymānūţā.
Aykan nēmar taśīţā d'rāmaţ baznā d'makkikūţā.
Aykan negte al thūwē d'yārtā nawśā bagnon hayyē.
Aykan nēmar al śarbā d’rām dubārā min kol rawmīn.
Aykan n'qalles nakpuţā datţā d'kīţā dakyaţ min kōl.
Slōţā t'nathar nawśāţan min nekyānē
w'saqūwlē, adammā 1'ālam.

Those who stand in the house of the Lord.

Come let us diligently honor the day of memory
Of the Blessed Virgin, the bride of Christ,
Who pleased the Lord by striving for holiness.
She became glorious by hard labor for virtue.
How can we describe the illustrious deeds of the noble woman who loved Christ?
How shall we narrate the praises of the great woman adorned with faith?
How can we delineate the story of the woman who is exalted in the way of humility?
How can we recount the blessedness of the one who inherited the chamber of life?
How can we speak of her story whose life is above all heights?
How can we praise the modesty of the most pure and holy Virgin?
Let her prayer guard our souls
From the deceits and confrontations forever.

Transliteration Guide

Guide - Page1
Guide - Page2
Guide - Page3
Guide - Page4
Guide - Page5

Available recordings

Aramaic Project Recordings:

S.No Artist Youtube Link Aramaic Project Number Notes


Fr. Probus Perumalil CMI Video AP 4h


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