AP 20 to 11
Interview with Koonammakkal Thoma Kathanar.
Call Number | AP 16 |
Part Number | Part I - Syro Malabar Church |
Title | Interview with Koonammakkal Thoma Kathanar. |
Duration | 1:40:20 |
Place of Recording | Beth Aprem Nazrani Dayra, Kuravilangad, Kottayam Dt., Kerala, India. |
Date of Recording | 3 August 2014 |
Youtube URL | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4cFJYlqZqo |
Video Segment (s) | AP 16a to 16h |
01) “Aramaic” or “Syriac,” which is the correct term?(1:54)
02) Etymology of the word “Aramaic” (5:38)
03) "Hebrew" is not a Hebrew term; it is an Aramaic term (6:55)
04) Language of the Targum literature (10:59)
05) Language of the Book of Daniel (12:36)
06) Explanation of the terms “Chaldaaya” and “Chaldaaya suriyani” (14:28)
07) A short history of the Aramaic language in India (16:04)
08) Uniqueness of the pronunciation of Syriac in Kerala (22:06)
09) About his doctoral dissertation at the Oxford University (29:09)
10) About the founding of Beth Aprem Nazrani Dayra (31:05)
11) Disown the Synod of Diamper (34:31)
12) "I am not a 'Christian,' I am a 'Nazraani'" (35:24)
13) All the prayers at the Dayra, both public and private, are conducted in East Syriac (36:22)
14) "Indians should be proud to have been associated with this language for so many centuries" (36:56)
15) Etymology of the word “Dayra” (41:44)
16) Syro Malabar Church has failed to recognize Fr. Emmanuel Thelly, CMI. (52:26)
17) Government of India, too, should have recognized the contributions of Fr. Emmanuel Thelly, CMI (59:59)
18) About the Syriac scholars of the past (1:02:35)
19) About the library at Beth Aprem Nazrani Dayra (1:4:51)
20) Koonammakal made history at the Oxford University (1:8:57)
21) About his family (1:12:24)
22) A message for the children of expatriate Syro Malabar Catholics (1:13:05)
23) About the symbols on the Cross at the Dayra (1:18:51)
24) The so-called “David’s Star” is not Jewish (1:21:55)
25) St. Thomas Christians have a duty to preserve the Syriac heritage (1:27:20)
26) The students at the Dayra speak about their experiences (1:28:10)
27) At the request of the students, Joseph J. Palackal sings two Syriac chants (1:35:32)
Video Segments
- AP 16a – Koonammakkal Thoma Kathanar becomes emotional while speaking about the contributions of Fr. Emmanuel Thelly, CMI (1925-2015) and the failure from the part of the Syro Malabar Church to "recognize the face of a scholar."
- AP 16b – Aramaic or Syriac which is the correct term? Koonmmakkal Thoma Kathanar
- AP 16c – Etymology of the word "Aramaic." Koonammakkal Thoma Kathanar
- AP 16d – What is the Etymology of the word " Chaldaya." Koonammakkal Thoma Kathanar
- AP 16e – A short history of the Aramaic language in India. Koonmmkkal Thoma kathanar
- AP 16f – Koonammakal Thoma Kathanar about the library at Beth Aprem Nazrani Dayra
- AP 16g – On the pronunciation of the Aramaic words in Kerala, India
- AP 16h – Aramaic language in India before the Christian era - From the Interview given by Dr. Joseph on Vatican Radio
Konnammakkal thoma Kathanar speaks about the status of the Aramaic language in India before the advent of Christianity. See Full Interview
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User Comments
Dear Rev Palackal Ouseph Kathanar,
Greetings from Kochi!
Hearty congrats for taking up this Aramaic project !!. It was an eye opener and thanks to your efforts it rekindled my interest in Suriyani. I stand in awe at the stupendous achievements of Rev, Emmanuel Thelly , Rev Thomas Arayathanal & Guru Yohend. Listening to Rev. Koonamackal on Youtube, the next thing to do was to meet him . Dropping in at his Dayara and interacting with him on our history and suriyani heritage was indeed remarkable. Its a matter of joy and pride that Rev Kallarangatt can offer Qurbana in Suriyani. As I would see it , yo've preserved our heritage for posterity and I'm sure that future generations would refer to you as a zealous missionary who breathed vigour & vitality into the ailing body of Eastern Suriyani. Has the CD of Suriyani Qurbana been released? Would like to purchase one .
Love, regards & prayers,
Dr. Amel Antony
Father Joseph Palackal is doing a wonderful job. Request that west syriac traditions ( syro-malankara) also be brought out and chants and history recorded. We do not find many syro-malabar ( east syriac) churches in south Travancore but are concentrated in the northern regions of Travancore and Kochi ! Is it because, the 9th century migrants to Kollam belonged to the west syriac or Antioch tradition as they came from the regions around the present day Mosul of Iraq ( or Ninevah mentioned in Bible ) in 823 AD where as the 4th century migrants to Kodungallore belonged to the east syriac tradition? - Joy Thomas Vallianeth - 20 Dec, 2019