Ślām lēk maryam (Huthamma)
സ്ലാം ലേക് മർയം

Call Number EC-0092
Title Ślām lēk maryam (Huthamma)
Category Concluding Prayer
Sub Category  
Liturgical Context Qurbana and the Hours
Audio Snippet
Source : Qambel Maran - CD

1. Introduction

This is the huthāmma (concluding prayer) from the liturgy for the feast of the Blessed Virgin. The celebrant sings the verses and the congregation responds by singing ‘Amen.’ The text is an example of dodeca-syllabic meter popularized by St. Jacob of Srog (d. 521). Each line has three phrases with four syllables in each phrase: ślām-lēk-mar-yam/dah-wayt- e-mmā/baw-ţū-lū-ţēk. The descending melodic motion is a special feature of this chant; the starting note is also the highest pitch in the melody.

2.Transliteration & Translation (English)
Transliteration by : Fr. Emmanuel Thelly C. M. I. | Source : Qambel Maran - CD

Transliteration Translation
Ślām lēk maryam dahwayt emmā bawţuluţēk
L'hāw gambārā damlēn mennē śmayyā w'ar'ā.

Ślām lēk maryam dahwayt emmā bawţuluţēk
L'hāw atīqā daqdām śemśā śmē īţāw wā. Āmēn.

Ślām lēk maryam dahwayt emmā bawţuluţēk
L'hāw gāwōlā dagwal ādam min ādamţā

Ślām lēk maryam dahwayt emmā bawţuluţēk
L'hāw sayyārā d'sārā 1'hāwā w'yamba 1'ādām. Āmēn.

Śuwhā lāk mār dadnaht mennā wahwayt nāśā
Baţrēn kyānīn āp sewyānīn q’nayt b'had q’nommā

Tāwdīţā lāk w'lawūk ammāk walruh qudśā
Tlāţā q’nōmmē had alāhā d'lā pulāgā
Hāśā wawkōlzwan wal'ālam ālmīn. Āmēn
Hail to you Mary, who in your virginity
Became mother to the Great One, Who fills the heaven and earth.

Hail to you Mary, who in your virginity
Became mother of the Ancient One, Whose name existed before the sun, amen.

Hail to you Mary, who in your virginity
Became mother to the Creator, Who formed Adam from the dust.

Hail to you Mary, who in your virginity
Became mother to the Great Artist, Who formed Eve and gave her to Adam, amen.

Praise to thee my Lord, who was born from her
And became man, gained two natures, And two wills in one person.

Thanks to thee and to thy Father, And to the Holy Spirit with thee,
Three persons, one God, without doubt
Now and for ever, amen.

Available recordings

Aramaic Project Recordings:

S.No Artist Youtube Link Aramaic Project Number Notes
1 Fr.Alexander Koolipurackal CMI, Fr.Augustus Thekkanath Video AP 4v  


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