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What Kerala and Ireland had in common 2,000 years ago

Similarities between the Musical Traditions in iron-age Ireland and present day Kerala

An article published in

An archaeologist has found some startling similarities between the musical traditions in iron-age Ireland and present day Kerala.These traditions are very similar to those found in Ireland close to 2,000 years ago. "There are horn instruments being used in a completely different way to Western melodic horn instruments. And that's the exact same way they were used in parts of Ireland, Gaul, British Isles and all of the Northern Scandinavian regions as well. In the present day Kerala, these horn instruments are a part of traditional Musical Orchesta populary known as Panchari Melam consisting of four instruments: Chenda, Kuzhal, Kombu and Ilathalam. ..... Read more

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Keywords - Music Traditions in Ireland, Prehistoric Irish Horn, Musical Traditions in iron-age Ireland and present day Kerala, Panchari Melam - Kerala Musical Orchestra, Horn instruments

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